Showing Care through Buliding Awareness during African Heritage Month

As we approach mid- February, it is crucial for us to recognize February is African Heritage Month (also known as Black History Month).  During this month we honour the history, culture and livelihood of the Black and African Nova Scotian community. As an organization we support a diverse group of community members, as well we have a diverse group of staff supporting at the various sites within Adsum and the Bridge, bringing their lived experiences to assist in shaping the care we provide to community members each day.

In addition to African Nova Scotian Heritage Month, during Heritage Day February 17, we are honouring Nora Bernard. She was a residential school Survivor who fought for justice, recognition and compensation for Survivors of the Canadian Indian Residential School system.

This year, Adsum received funding the Women and Gender Equality Canada (WAGE) through their Capacity Fund, to support in the development in learning session for staff, to enhance our ability to provide support to community in an anti-oppressive and client- centered way. One of the sessions taking place will be facilitated by Association for Black Social Workers on Afrocentric Practices.

We looking to learning from them on how to better support the African Nova Scotian community and those from the African Diaspora. We hope all take time now and outside of February to reflect on ways we can practice anti-racism in all affairs.

Adsum Admin