Intimate Partner Violence An Epidemic in Nova Scotia
Last week the Nova Scotia government took influential steps by adopting a bill declaring intimate partner violence an epidemic in this province.
In Nova Scotia, women are three times more likely to experience forms of domestic violence. Additionally, more than 30% of Nova Scotians have faced intimate partner violence and 86% of domestic violence files are designated as high risk for fatality.
The need for support is apparent now more than ever. Navigating the complex dynamics within an abusive relationship is a daunting reality when seeking support to leave a violent living situation, these factors become heightened and unmanageable for survivors of abuse when the rising cost of food and unaffordable housing market are added factors.
While this is great news for the province, we look forward to seeing what additional supports and funding will be put in place to support individuals faced with intimate partner violence and organizations who provide resources to support those experiencing or escaping imitate partner violence.