Adsum Court

Located in Dartmouth, Adsum Court offers long-term supportive housing with 24 independent living units or apartments. Tenants pay rent that is geared to their income, to cover the cost of building maintenance and the mortgage.

One unit functions as an office. Adsum staff is on-site most week days to provide advocacy, referrals, group programming and individual supportive counseling. Tenancy ranges from less than one year to more than 20 years. Tenants say the experience can be life-changing.

“When I arrived here I didn’t know if I’d last a month…I’m now proud to say I’m nearing the 8 year mark. The longest I’ve been in one place in my adult life.”


Call for Directions
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
Phone: 902.423.5049


Adsum House
Adsum Centre
The Alders